Share your perspective and get paid for it.

Cocoa makes it easy.

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What is Cocoa?

A place for you to share unsponsored, authentic reviews and recommendations on products, services and experiences you love (and don’t like so much, too).

What we Offer
What we Offer
What we Offer
What we Offer
What we Offer
What we Offer
What we Offer
What we Offer
What we Offer
What we Offer
What we Offer
What we Offer
What we Offer
what We Offer
What we offer
what we Offer
what We Offer
What we Offer
what we Offer
what we Offer
what we Offer
what we offer
What We Offer
what We Offer
What we Offer
what We Offer
What we Offer


Monetize Yourself earlier

Typically only the top creators land the most lucrative deals.  We want to help everyone get their fair share too, you deserve it!


Easy to use creator tools

Reviews are typically text heavy and can be difficult to parse.  Choose from our templates, stickers or other effects to help elevate your content and storytelling, or have the freedom to express yourself and customize your own style and identity.



You don't need a million followers to get seen on Cocoa. No matter what you are interested in creating, there will be a community that is eager to engage with your content.

How it works

Find Something to Review

Find something you love (or don't like so much) that you'd like to share with the community.

Create a Note

Record or upload a video and leverage our creator tools to tag products, personalize your content, and help tell your story.

Build Community & Get Rewarded

Reap the rewards when you help the community discover something they like or find insightful.

What you can earn

Up to 16.5% commission

When people purchase the products or services you review and recommend in your notes, we’ll give you a commission.

Coming Soon on iOS

Sign up to be a part of the private beta
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If you’re already a creator, please share your primary account username/s so we learn more about you

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Keep an eye out for an email from us, we’ll follow up with you soon!

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